Well, I'll start off with the great bits - which is basically everything that happened. I woke up surprisingly early despite the jet lag (or maybe it was because of the jetlag?), and got ample time to appreciate Edinburgh. It was raining and dark outside when i woke ip, which was quite a shame, but the atmosphere of the host family was enough to warm me right up. We had a simple breakfast and were sent on our way to school. I got an introduction of some famous landmarks on the way (although whether i was awake enough to retain them is still a mystery).
At school, i had the opportunity to learn in a more advanced level than i usually would (as i take S5 classes instead of S4 classes here in Scotland), and frankly speaking, it was much welcomed change/challenge - l got to try many new things at an exciting pace, as well as learn things that i normally wouldn't (such as biology, which is not one of my chosen electives back at home). I shared most of my classes with Marie, who was also from Maryknoll, so i could just ask her if i didn't get anything (lucky!). Classes in Scotland are much more exciting, and the mode I teaching is much more free and relaxed. Take chemistry lessons, for example - we get to do experiments every day! Well, every day thus far at least. There's much more interaction and hands-on activities compared to education in Hong Kong, and its a refreshing change of pace for me. The teachers were not only kind and considerate, but also uniquely eccentric (in a good way). Their interesting personalities helped render their lessons much more interesting and engaging, as well, and i feel like that made me more invested in the lessons.
It was quite a shame that the weather was particularly nasty - it was raining much more heavily than usual and quite chilly too! Thanks to the condensation on the windows on the bus, I was unable to fully appreciate the local landmarks and scenery going to and back from school. But hey, it wouldn't really be Scotland without the (in)famous dreary weather now, wouldn't it? By the time we got back to the host family, i was half soaked! Thank goodness for radiators and drying machines.
All in all, it was a new and exciting experience for me. I had a great time in school (somehow) - Ii wouldn't be opposed to going back to school of school was like this every day!
S5 Giann Chung
Maryknoll Convent School
Host school: Gracemount High School, Edinburgh
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